
What is Percocet?

Percocet is a fever reducer and a pain reliever for moderate to severe pain. The drug is a mix of oxycodone, an opioid pain reliever, and acetaminophen, a non-opioid pain reliever. Oxycodone has an effect similar to heroin and morphine, and acetaminophen is the main ingredient in Tylenol. Percocet affects the central nervous system, which changes that way that the body receives messages about pain.

Percocet comes in the form of prescription pills. Abusers obtain Percocet from those who have prescriptions, and often, without their knowledge. They may also visit the doctor often to obtain them for recreational use. The risk of Percocet addiction and opioid addiction is increased with those who have a family history of substance abuse, or those who have been addicted to other substances. If you or your loved one is suffering from a Percocet addiction, we can help.

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What does Percocet look like?

Percocet comes in the form of round, white pills or oval yellow pills. It can also be found in a small plastic zip-top bag if the user has obtained it from the streets instead of a prescription, or if they have already crushed the pills.

How is Percocet taken?

Percocet pills are taken orally by prescription users. Abusers may crush up pills to snort them, inject them, or smoke them for recreational use.

Why do people use Percocet?

People use Percocet for pain relief, but people also abuse Percocet to get “high.” When it’s abused, users will feel euphoria, calamity, and relaxation. They’ll also have a perception of heightened pleasure.

  • Perks
  • Roxi
  • Percodoms
  • M-30s
  • Paulas
  • Kickers
  • Blueberries
  • Rims

History of

Percocet grew in popularity in the U.S. in the 1970s. It came about after a similar prescription pill called Percodan had a side effect that caused blood clots due to a combination of oxycodone and aspirin. Percocet came about in the opioid market in 1999 with approval from the FDA after Vicodin and OxyContin. However, manufacturers of these opioids including Percocet weren’t anticipating an abuse epidemic.

Because of oxycodone in Percocet, this drug is considered part of the opioid epidemic. In 2010, 60 percent of the drug overdose deaths in the U.S. involved opioids. In 2014, it was reported that 2 million people in the U.S. had opioid substance abuse disorder. The number of Americans who abused opioids in the same year is estimated to be 4.3 million, according to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health.

What are the Symptoms of Percocet Addiction?

Signs and symptoms of Percocet addiction are fairly easy to recognize. You or your loved one may experience may withdraw socially, their relationships may suffer, or they may have an entirely new friend group. They may prioritize these friends or events where Percocet is present over other events they are expected to attend. They may be absent from work, and they may have an obsession with obtaining and using Percocet.

  • Robbery
  • Taking Percocet without pain
  • Nodding off
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety
  • Taking someone’s prescription
  • Social withdrawal
  • Needles and syringe
  • Prescription that isn’t theirs
  • Mirror
  • Straws
  • Spoon with a burnt bottom
  • Rolled up dollar bills
  • Pill bottles
  • Pipe

Don’t Let Addiction Control You


What are the Effects of Percocet Addiction?

Due to the content of oxycodone in Percocet, the body can easily become accustomed to taking it. Because of this, addicts will have to take more of it each time to feel the same effects. This can cause users to have serious addiction and withdrawal symptoms from taking the drug. While some effects may start off as mild, they can turn into effects with severe consequences with long-term addiction.

Short Term Effects of
Percocet Addiction
  • Dizziness
  • Chest pain
  • Dry mouth
  • Shallow breathing
  • Blurry vision
  • Changes in heart rate
  • Insomnia
  • Nausea and vomiting
Long Term Effects of
Percocet Addiction
  • Hypothermia
  • Feeling very tired
  • Anxiety
  • Hallucinations
  • Seizures
  • Depression
  • Lightheadedness
  • Agitation

Addiction Statistics

12.5 million

Americans age 12 or older reported taking pain killers for recreational purposes.

6.5 million

Americans take prescription medication for non-medical uses.

2.7 times

more opioids were prescribed in 2013 than in 1991.

How is Percocet Addiction Treated?

Percocet addiction is treated similarly to other opioid addictions. First, Percocet addicts will be treated with a detox to get any remnants of the drug out of their system. Withdrawal symptoms during detox can be very uncomfortable and, at times, dangerous. After detox, a recovering addict can stay under medical supervision in an inpatient rehab center, where they’ll receive medication and learn coping mechanisms for their addiction in a safe, focused place.

At Gratitude Lodge, we offer a welcoming, pet-friendly residential environment to recovering addicts. Get your life back today when you begin your stay. A stay can be as short as a week and up to a year, depending on the severity of the addiction. Here, you’ll receive individual therapy, group therapy, access to a 12-step recovery program for your Percocet addiction. You’ll also learn healthy habits and get used to sober activities such as surfing, hiking, or just relaxing.

Common Drug Combinations with Percocet?

Percocet abusers often pair the pain reliever with alcohol and marijuana. Together, these drugs can cause reactions that can result in drowsiness and respiratory depression. Other prescription drugs can have the same dangerous interaction. Mixing benzos and sedative anti-anxiety drugs such as Xanax can cause trouble breathing. This can quickly lead to a coma and even death.

  • Marijuana
  • Heroin
  • Alcohol
  • MDMA
  • Xanax
  • Meth
  • Benzos
  • Cocaine

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