PCP Addiction

What is PCP?

PCP, short for phencyclidine, is a hallucinogen and a dissociative drug, which means that the user may feel disconnected from themselves, or an “out-of-body” experience. It was first used as an anesthetic, but it was discontinued because it had side effects that caused delusions and agitation. When PCP is taken and abused in high doses, it can cause aggression and violent behavior in users.

Abusers of PCP can immediately feel the effects of the drug by snorting or smoking it. The effects of PCP last from four to six hours. When PCP is taken in a pill form or in capsules, effects are felt 30 to 60 minutes after taking it. When this method is used, the effects of PCP can last for 6 hours, with the possibility of lasting an entire day.

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What does PCP look like?

PCP comes in white or colored powder, which can be mixed with alcohol or water. “Wet” PCP can come dissolved in a tincture or vanilla extract bottle that looks like it contains yellow oil. On the streets, PCP may also look tan or brown.

How is PCP taken?

PCP can be taken in the form of a powder, liquid, crystal, or tablet. It’s often sprinkled on to marijuana joints. “Wet” PCP can also be dissolved in liquid and soaked into cigarettes, so it can be smoked discreetly.

Why do people use PCP?

People use PCP because it’s a hallucinogen that creates a distortion in perception and sensations. Hallucination and delusions can create visual and auditory experiences as well as “out-of-body,” or dissociative experiences.

  • Angel dust
  • Supergrass
  • Rocket fuel
  • Loveboat
  • Peace pill
  • Zombie
  • Illy
  • Dipper

History of

PCP was first synthesized in the 1920s under the name Sernyl. In the 1950s, it was used as a surgical intravenous anesthetic. It’s used in veterinary practices, but it isn’t given to people anymore because of its bad side effects. Just 15 years later, PCP was discontinued in clinical trials with humans due to the drug causing delusions, severe anxiety, and agitation.

It continued to be manufactured illegally in the 1960s and became known as “The PeaCe Pill.” It became widely popular in the late 70s, where it was snorted and smoked for an immediate high. Today, abusers of PCP dip cigarettes or marijuana joints in dissolved PCP so they can discreetly smoke the drug and get a high from both PCP and marijuana.

What are the Symptoms of PCP Addiction?

If your loved one has a PCP addiction, you may notice a change in their personality. They may have schizophrenic and psychotic symptoms, such as hearing voices and talking to themselves or inanimate objects for long periods of time. While on PCP, a rise in body temperature may cause them to remove their clothing. They may also become violent toward others. Even when they aren’t on PCP, addicts can hear “voices” telling them to commit crimes and other violent acts.

  • Hearing voices
  • Risky behavior
  • Psychotic symptoms
  • Frequent psychiatric ward admission
  • High body temperature
  • Inability to avoid PCP
  • Delusions of grandeur
  • Paranoia
  • Bong
  • Rolling paper
  • Pipe
  • Marijuana joints
  • Pill bottles
  • Spoons with burnt bottoms
  • Cigarettes
  • Lighter

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What are the Effects of PCP Addiction?

In small doses, PCP can create a trance-like effect and feelings of out-of-body experiences. When taken in large doses, PCP addiction can also adversely affect others. PCP can make users violent or suicidal. Because it is a dissociative drug, the brain can’t detect pain in the body. It’s possible for users to have a blackout experience when they are getting into legal trouble. They may also not be able to tell doctors about broken bones until after the anesthetic has worn off.

Short Term Effects of
PCP Addiction
  • Obsession with trivial things
  • Increased heart rate
  • Euphoria
  • Distorted perception of time
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Delirium
  • Feelings of unreality
  • Feeling weightlessness
Long Term Effects of
PCP Addiction
  • Hallucinations
  • Disordered thinking
  • Delusional thinking
  • Accidental suicide
  • Catatonia
  • Death
  • Accidental injury to self or others
  • Coma

Addiction Statistics

6 million

Americans have used PCP in their lifetime, according to a 2008 survey.


increase in emergency department visits involving PCP from 2005 to 2011.


increase in emergency visits for PCP with people aged 25 to 34.

How is PCP Addiction Treated?

After detox, PCP addicts may continue to have occasional psychotic episodes, which can be helped with mood-stabilizing medication. If you or your loved one has another drug addiction, our staff at Gratitude Lodge will help you detox from PCP and other substances. PCP addicts will receive therapy after medication to make their transition back into sobriety easier.

At Gratitude Lodge, we offer inpatient residential rehabilitation services after detox. With medical staff available 24/7, you or your loved one can safely continue on the road to recovery. We have individualized counseling, group therapy, and 12-step recovery programs to provide recovering addicts with coping mechanisms and tools for a successful recovery. We have a trained staff that is well-versed in treating PCP addiction and dual diagnoses.

Common Drug Combinations with PCP?

PCP is commonly sprinkled onto and mixed with other substances. Abusers commonly use “wet” PCP, where one dips joints and cigarettes into a water mixture with dissolved PCP. Marijuana, cocaine, and heroin were involved in 49% of emergency department-related cases. PCP is also commonly paired with LSD, MDMA, and mushrooms to achieve a full distortion of the senses.

  • Marijuana (“Zoom”)
  • MDMA (“Domex”)
  • Heroin (“Alien Sex Fiend”)
  • Fentanyl
  • LSD (“Black Acid”)
  • Mushrooms
  • Cocaine (“Wack”, “Space”)
  • Ketamine

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